My Story: 2018 to 2024

It was January 2018. I was in my early 60s and in poor health. My BMI indicated I was obese, and I just had both knees replaced. I wonder why? I could no longer run or do any hard work. It was a losing battle and I had to do something to improve my health!

So, I read and studied extensively about EWOT, PEMF, and RED-LIGHT therapies hoping that they could help me help myself. But I couldn't purchase one of these systems because everything was too expensive. So, I built my own. Those early prototype systems were a bit crude and only available to me. Still, they helped me with my health and today I have perfected those systems. I can now lift heavy weights, work as much as I need, and play hours of Pickleball.

Now that I am retired from a 40 hour a week job, I have used my considerable mechanical engineering skills and perfected my early prototypes to the high-quality systems they are today. I always want to help others and therefore these systems are now available to the public.